Tom Bartlett

List of John Benjamins publications for which Tom Bartlett plays a role.


Context in Systemic Functional Linguistics: Theoretical developments and directions

Edited by Wendy L. Bowcher and Tom Bartlett

Special issue of Functions of Language 28:3 (2021) v, 125 pp.
Subjects Corpus linguistics | Discourse studies | Functional linguistics | Pragmatics | Theoretical linguistics
Bartlett, Tom 2023 Chapter 3. Atopicality as the unmarked logical structure in Scottish GaelicReconnecting Form and Meaning: In honour of Kristin Davidse, Gentens, Caroline, Lobke Ghesquière, William B. McGregor and An Van linden (eds.), pp. 71–95 | Chapter
In this paper I argue that the canonical clause structure in Scottish Gaelic does not select an element as topical, but that marked structures are available to do so under specific discursive conditions. As such, Scottish Gaelic represents a previously unrecognised typological category in terms… read more
Bartlett, Tom and Nicolina Montesano Montessori 2021 Towards webs of equivalence and the  political nomad in agonistic debate: Contributions from CDA and scales theoryDiscourse Theory: Ways forward for theory development and research practice, De Cleen, Benjamin, Jana Goyvaerts, Nico Carpentier, Jason Glynos, Yannis Stavrakakis and Ilija Tomanić Trivundža (eds.), pp. 129–144 | Article
Discourse theorists often defend their discursive stance on ‘reality’ and the material with reference to Laclau and Mouffe’s quote that, while an “earthquake or the falling of a brick…exist externally to thought,” they cannot “constitute themselves as objects outside any discursive conditions of… read more
Bartlett, Tom and Wendy L. Bowcher 2021 Context in Systemic Functional Linguistics: Principles and parametersContext in Systemic Functional Linguistics: Theoretical developments and directions, Bowcher, Wendy L. and Tom Bartlett (eds.), pp. 243–259 | Introduction
This is the second part of a two-part article which proposes an enhanced approach to eco-discourses after weighing the (dis)advantages of mainstream Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) and Positive Discourse Analysis (PDA). Part I (Chen et al. 2021) explored the theoretical grounding for an… read more
This two-part article suggests ways in which elements of antagonistic discourses of the environment might be combined in a hybrid, innovative discourse that appeals to a broad section of the public while advocating for more environmentally sustainable practices in industry. It proposes an… read more
Singh, Jaspal Naveel and Tom Bartlett 2017 Negotiating sustainability across scales: Community organising in the Outer HebridesMeaning Making in the Periphery, Moita-Lopes, Luiz Paulo and Mike Baynham (eds.), pp. 50–71 | Article
This paper represents voices of community organizers on Barra, a small island in the Outer Hebrides, Scotland. Although, arguably Barra is geographically and socio-politically located in the peripheries of Scotland, Britain and Europe, the island has been a center of North Atlantic maritime trade… read more
Bartlett, Tom 2016 Phasal dynamism and the unfolding of meaning as textThe dynamicity of communication below, around and above the clause, Clarke, Ben and Jorge Arús-Hita (eds.), pp. 143–164 | Article
In this paper I explore the etic category of textuality and the emic category of Theme arguing that while Theme in English may simultaneously signal the point of departure of a clause with respect to the preceding text and also the ‘aboutness’ of the clause in relation to the method of… read more