Rossella Pannain

List of John Benjamins publications for which Rossella Pannain plays a role.


Conceptual Metonymy: Methodological, theoretical, and descriptive issues

Edited by Olga Blanco-Carrión, Antonio Barcelona and Rossella Pannain

[Human Cognitive Processing, 60] 2018. ix, 325 pp.
Subjects Cognition and language | Semantics | Theoretical linguistics
Pannain, Rossella and Lucia di Pace 2022 Metonymy and the polysemy of Covid in ItalianLiving Metaphors and Metonymies, Brdar, Mario and Rita Brdar-Szabó (eds.), pp. 231–257 | Article
Among the linguistic consequences of the current pandemic, we focus on the usage of the lexeme Covid(-19) in Italian, both in the language of the daily press and in institutional/technical language. More specifically, we analyze the range of its polysemy and the role of metonymy in the semantic… read more
Barcelona, Antonio, Olga Blanco-Carrión and Rossella Pannain 2018 Introduction: The complex task of studying metonymyConceptual Metonymy: Methodological, theoretical, and descriptive issues, Blanco-Carrión, Olga, Antonio Barcelona and Rossella Pannain (eds.), pp. 1–24 | Chapter
Pannain, Rossella 2018 Chapter 9. The mouth of the speaker: Italian metonymies of Linguistic ActionConceptual Metonymy: Methodological, theoretical, and descriptive issues, Blanco-Carrión, Olga, Antonio Barcelona and Rossella Pannain (eds.), pp. 237–260 | Chapter
Among body parts, speech organs are a default source of metonymic mapping towards the domain of linguistic action. In Italian this conceptual metonymy is responsible for several representations of types of speaker and linguistic behavior, and may be encoded in nominal modification and in word… read more
Pannain, Rossella 2017 Metonymy in numeralsReview of Cognitive Linguistics 15:1, pp. 102–120 | Article
By adopting a synchronic/diachronic perspective, the study addresses the role of metonymy in the representation of numerical quantity. This can be observed in: (a) the motivation relating individual numeral forms, as well as the internal organization of the whole numeral sequence, to non-numeric… read more
Pannain, Rossella and Anna Riccio 2014 Cardinal numerals: A syntax-semantics interface analysisWord Classes: Nature, typology and representations, Simone, Raffaele and Francesca Masini (eds.), pp. 161–180 | Article
While constituting a semantically homogeneous class, cardinal numerals cross-linguistically display a rich variety of morphosyntactic properties. An approach to such variation, with the aim of identifying a limited range of morphosyntactic statuses to which these properties are related, has been… read more