Deborah Jane Cameron

List of John Benjamins publications for which Deborah Jane Cameron plays a role.


Cameron, Deborah Jane and Sylvia Shaw 2020 Constructing women’s “different voice”: Gendered mediation in the 2015 UK General ElectionThe Mediated Communication of Gender and Sexuality in Contemporary Politics, Smith, Angela and Michael Higgins (eds.), pp. 144–159 | Article
Since the 1990s, media commentators in the UK and elsewhere have praised women for introducing a “visibly different style of politics”, one symbol of which is the alleged preference of female politicians for a less adversarial and more co-operative style of political speech. Drawing on an… read more
Cameron, Deborah Jane 2005 Communication and commodification: Global economic change in sociolinguistic perspectiveLanguage, Communication and the Economy, Erreygers, Guido and Geert Jacobs (eds.), pp. 9–23 | Article