Surveys and interviews have been used in CTIS both as standalone methods as well as in the context of mixed-, multi-methods or triangulation settings. Surveys and interviews have key similarities: both ask questions and use the responses as research data. This chapter outlines how these methods… read more
Translaboration, a concept derived from blending ‘translation’ and ‘collaboration,’ has the concept of labour at its core. This paper investigates the dimension of labour in online collaborative translation, relates translational labour to Arendt’s categories of work and action, and proceeds to… read more
Translation, as a concept, may be regarded as a prototype of a ‘travelling concept’ as it has travelled to numerous disciplines in recent years. Therefore, a ‘translational turn’ was proclaimed for the humanities, cultural studies, and social sciences (cf. Bachmann-Medick 2007, 2009). Outside… read more
This paper sets out to explore the concept of hegemony in the field of conference interpreting practice. It presents the International Association of Conference Interpreters (AIIC) as the hegemon in conference interpreting and examines its power as a policy maker. The paper associates this type of… read more
In this paper an analysis of the way conference interpreters describe their role and how they perceive their importance for successful communication in simultaneously interpreted conferences will be undertaken. These findings are an excerpt from a recent worldwide web-based survey among members of… read more