Francis Corblin

List of John Benjamins publications for which Francis Corblin plays a role.


Asic, Tijana and Francis Corblin 2014 Telic definites and their prepositions: French and SerbianWeak Referentiality, Aguilar-Guevara, Ana, Bert Le Bruyn and Joost Zwarts (eds.), pp. 183–212 | Article
This papers accounts for the emergence of telic readings of potentially locative sentences in French and Serbian (corresponding to the English to go to the swimming pool ). The paper establishes that although deprived of overt marking of definiteness, the nominal of telic sentences of Serbian… read more
Corblin, Francis 2006 The semantics of paranumeralsNon-definiteness and Plurality, Vogeleer, Svetlana and Liliane Tasmowski (eds.), pp. 331–353 | Article
Corblin, Francis and Lucia M. Tovena 2001 On the multiple expression of negation in RomanceRomance Languages and Linguistic Theory 1999: Selected papers from ‘Going Romance’ 1999, Leiden, 9–11 December 1999, D’hulst, Yves, Johan Rooryck and Jan Schroten (eds.), pp. 87–116 | Article