The DGS Corpus was collected in order to document German Sign Language (DGS) for linguistic research, compile the corpus-based dictionary DW-DGS and provide a cultural resource for the language community. Regional aspects played a key role in participant selection, data collection tasks and… read more
syncWRITER is an interlinear text editor with a focus on the presentation of transcribed data. As it seamlessly integrates digital video, it is a useful tool for sign language transcription. This article discusses syncWRITER’s limitations in the areas that turn out to be essential in large-scale… read more
GlossLexer is a multi-user sign language lexical database integrating digital video that has been designed to support the compilation process for specialist dictionaries from data collection to production. Sign entries are identified by HamNoSys notations as well as glosses, but the user always has… read more