Piotr Cap

List of John Benjamins publications for which Piotr Cap plays a role.

Book series


ISSN 1018-2101 | E-ISSN 2406-4238

Implicitness: From lexis to discourse

Edited by Piotr Cap and Marta Dynel

[Pragmatics & Beyond New Series, 276] 2017. vi, 306 pp.
Subjects Discourse studies | Pragmatics
Subjects Communication Studies | Discourse studies | Pragmatics

Perspectives in Politics and Discourse

Edited by Urszula Okulska and Piotr Cap

Subjects Discourse studies | Pragmatics
This paper describes ways in which political speakers define and legitimize future policies by construing different policy options in terms of ‘privileged’ and ‘oppositional’ futures. Privileged and oppositional futures are conceptual projections of alternative policy visions occurring in… read more
This paper gives a critical overview of analytical approaches dominating the field of discourse studies in the last three decades, from the perspective of their philosophical and formative bases: social constructionism and linguistics. It explores different conceptions of the theoretical nexus… read more
Proximization Theory (PT) (Cap 2008, 2010, 2013, 2017; among others) is a cognitive-critical model that accounts for the ways in which the discursive construction of closeness and remoteness can be manipulated in the political sphere and bound up with fear, security and conflict. This article… read more
Dynel, Marta and Piotr Cap 2017 Chapter 1. Implicitness: Familiar terra incognita in pragmaticsImplicitness: From lexis to discourse, Cap, Piotr and Marta Dynel (eds.), pp. 1–12 | Chapter
The aim of this chapter is to shed light on the concept behind the label “implicitness”, which is ubiquitous in the pragmatic scholarship but has rarely constituted the focus of attention per se. In the teeth of the intuitive use of the label, which seems synonymous with “indirectness” used in… read more
Follow-ups have been often considered a primarily dialogic/conversational phenomenon. In this chapter I demonstrate that the concept of the follow-up could be extended to cover monologic discourses as well, especially those in which the speaker realizes a macro-goal over a number of texts produced… read more
Cap, Piotr 2014 Review of Dontcheva-Navratilova (2011): Coherence in Political SpeechesCognitive Perspectives on Political Discourse, Fischer, Pascal and Christoph Schubert (eds.), pp. 371–374 | Review
Cap, Piotr and Urszula Okulska 2013 Analyzing genres in political communication: An introductionAnalyzing Genres in Political Communication: Theory and practice, Cap, Piotr and Urszula Okulska (eds.), pp. 1–26 | Article
Cap, Piotr 2011 Axiological ProximizationCritical Discourse Studies in Context and Cognition, Hart, Christopher (ed.), pp. 81–96 | Article
Okulska, Urszula and Piotr Cap 2010 Chapter 20. Exploring ‘political communication(s)’: Contexts, procedures and outlookPerspectives in Politics and Discourse, Okulska, Urszula and Piotr Cap (eds.), pp. 399–406 | Article
Okulska, Urszula and Piotr Cap 2010 Chapter 1. Analysis of Political Discourse: Landmarks, challenges and prospectsPerspectives in Politics and Discourse, Okulska, Urszula and Piotr Cap (eds.), pp. 3–20 | Article