Zhan Wang
List of John Benjamins publications for which Zhan Wang plays a role.
Chapter 4. Discourse performance in L2 task repetition Learning Language through Task Repetition, Bygate, Martin (ed.), pp. 97–116 | Chapter
2018 ‘Repetition’ in language practice has often been associated with behavioristic drills, typically regarded as giving rise to habit formation, and often excluded from mainstream language teaching approaches. However, this study, drawing upon Bygate’s (1999) argument that task is a context for the… read more
Chapter 2. On-line time pressure manipulations: L2 speaking performance under five types of planning and repetition conditions Processing Perspectives on Task Performance, Skehan, Peter (ed.), pp. 27–62 | Article
2014 This chapter is concerned with an investigation of the underlying mechanisms of second language speaking. It reports on an experiment containing five different types of planning and repetition conditions, each relevant to certain processes and stages of speech production. The five conditions were… read more
Chapter 6. Structure, lexis, and time perspective: Influences on task performance Processing Perspectives on Task Performance, Skehan, Peter (ed.), pp. 155–186 | Article
2014 The Cognition and Tradeoff Hypotheses account for task performance in different ways. The former sees task complexity as the driver for higher accuracy and structural complexity whereas the latter, within the constraints of limited attentional capacities, sees performance as being accounted for… read more