Raquel Lázaro Gutiérrez
List of John Benjamins publications for which Raquel Lázaro Gutiérrez plays a role.
Chapter 5. Public service interpreters’ perceptions and acceptance of remote interpreting technologies in times of a pandemic Interpreting Technologies – Current and Future Trends, Corpas Pastor, Gloria and Bart Defrancq (eds.), pp. 109–141 | Chapter
2023 In the past two decades, the use of technology in the professional practice of interpreting has evolved at an impressive pace. The fast development of communication and digital technologies has led to profound changes in how interpreting services are delivered. In this study, we present the… read more
How COVID-19 changed telephone interpreting in Spain Localization in Healthcare and Medical Settings in the Advent of COVID-19, O'Hagan, Minako and Julie McDonough Dolmaya (eds.), pp. 137–155 | Article
2021 Before the COVID-19 pandemic, telephone interpreters in Spain were used to communicating administrative issues, medical instructions, and even humanitarian social assistance rendered by social workers and psychologists. However, since March 2020 these interactions have been heavily replaced by… read more
Self-care as an ethical responsibility: A pilot study on support provision for interpreters in human crises Ethics of Non-Professional Translation and Interpreting, Monzó-Nebot, Esther and Melissa Wallace (eds.), pp. 36–56 | Article
2020 This article presents a pilot research project which examined the effectiveness of remote, formal support, provided by Colleagues Across Borders, for volunteer interpreters in an immigration detention support NGO. We consider the occupational stress and susceptibility to vicarious traumatization… read more
Telephone interpreting and roadside assistance Orality: Language and interpreting challenges, Flores Acuña, Estefanía and Pilar Rodríguez Reina (eds.), pp. 215–240 | Article
2019 The study of dialogue interpreting, particularly over the phone, has been traditionally undertaken under the scope of public service interpreting. However, telephone interpreting nowadays is becoming popular in other settings, such as in the domain of roadside assistance. The aim of this… read more
Chapter 2. Context and pragmatic meaning in telephone interpreting Technology Mediated Service Encounters, Garcés-Conejos Blitvich, Pilar, Lucía Fernández-Amaya and María de la O Hernández-López (eds.), pp. 45–68 | Chapter
2019 Remote and telephone interpreting involve a number of skills that must be acquired. For instance, telephone interpreters cannot take into account their first impression of the situation before starting work as, because of reasons of practicality, briefing is rarely possible. Thus, it is typically… read more
Natural interpreters’ performance in the medical setting Interpreting in a Changing Landscape: Selected papers from Critical Link 6, Schäffner, Christina, Krzysztof Kredens and Yvonne Fowler (eds.), pp. 165–185 | Article
2013 This paper presents a study on the asymmetry of doctor-patient conversations in situations where the patient speaks a foreign language, both alone and with the aid of an occasional interpreter, in order to determine the variations which occur when compared to consultations where the healthcare… read more