Ian Green

List of John Benjamins publications for which Ian Green plays a role.

Harvey, Mark, Ian Green and Rachel Nordlinger 2006 From prefixes to suffixes: Typological change in Northern AustraliaDiachronica 23:2, pp. 289–311 | Article
This article provides a counterexample to the commonly held, if unexamined, proposition that morphemes reconstructed as affixes do not change their position with respect to the root. We do not expect to find that a proto-prefix has suffix reflexes, nor that a proto-suffix has prefix reflexes. In… read more
Green, Ian and Rachel Nordlinger 2004 Revisiting Proto-MirndiAustralian Languages: Classification and the comparative method, Bowern, Claire and Harold Koch (eds.), pp. 291–312 | Article
Green, Ian 1997 Nominal Classification in MarrithiyelNominal Classification in Aboriginal Australia, Harvey, Mark and Nicholas Reid (eds.), pp. 229–254 | Article