Isolda E. Carranza

List of John Benjamins publications for which Isolda E. Carranza plays a role.


Entre los diversos tipos de índices metapragmáticos se elige estudiar las referencias explícitas a la práctica sociocultural de administrar justicia penal, sus principios y su racionalidad, que aparecen en el curso de esa misma práctica. Las manifestaciones de reflexividad no son descripciones… read more
Carranza, Isolda E. 2008 Metapragmatics in a courtroom genrePragmatics 18:2, pp. 169–188 | Article
Taking as a starting point a broad conception of metapragmatics (Lucy 1993), this study describes a wide range of reflexive elements in closing arguments of criminal trials, and on the basis of their habitual use by trial lawyers, it enquires about the general underlying function as part of the… read more
Carranza, Isolda E. 2004 10. Discourse markers in the construction of the text, the activity, and the social relations: Evidence from courtroom discourseCurrent Trends in the Pragmatics of Spanish, Márquez Reiter, Rosina and María Elena Placencia (eds.), pp. 203 ff. | Chapter
Carranza, Isolda E. 2000 Identity and Situated Discourse AnalysisNarrative Identity, Bamberg, Michael and Allyssa McCabe, pp. 151–156 | Miscellaneous
Carranza, Isolda E. 1998 Low-Narrativity Narratives and ArgumentationNarrative Inquiry 8:2, pp. 287–317 | Article
Two types of conversational narratives are examined in a corpus of interviews with Salvadoran immigrants who live in Washington, D.C. On the one hand, narrative sequences of counterfactual or hypothetical events position the virtual as opposed to or in comparison with the actual and, in doing so,… read more