Peter Totterdill

List of John Benjamins publications for which Peter Totterdill plays a role.


Action Research in Workplace Innovation and Regional Development

Edited by Werner Fricke and Peter Totterdill

[Dialogues on Work and Innovation, 15] 2004. x, 356 pp.
Subjects Industrial & organizational studies
Ennals, Richard, Peter Totterdill and Campbell Ford 2004 The UK Work Organisation Network: A national coalition for working life and organisational competenceAction Research in Workplace Innovation and Regional Development, Fricke, Werner and Peter Totterdill (eds.), pp. 333–345 | Article
Fricke, Werner and Peter Totterdill 2004 IntroductionAction Research in Workplace Innovation and Regional Development, Fricke, Werner and Peter Totterdill (eds.), pp. 1–11 | Miscellaneous
Lantz, Annika and Peter Totterdill 2004 Linking workplace innovation and regional development: Towards new roles for the university sectorAction Research in Workplace Innovation and Regional Development, Fricke, Werner and Peter Totterdill (eds.), pp. 183–205 | Article
Totterdill, Peter and Jeremy Hague 2004 Workplace innovation as regional developmentAction Research in Workplace Innovation and Regional Development, Fricke, Werner and Peter Totterdill (eds.), pp. 43–79 | Article
Ennals, Richard, Peter Totterdill and Campbell Ford 2001 The Work Research Foundation: A national coalition for working life and organizational competenceConcepts and Transformation 6:3, pp. 259–273 | Article
Despite its early contributions to the development of working life research the UK has lagged behind much of the rest of Northern Europe in establishing a coherent approach to the modernization of work organization. The removal of tripartite structures by the Thatcher and Major governments and… read more
Totterdill, Peter 1999 Workplace Innovation as Regional DevelopmentConcepts and Transformation 4:1, pp. 23–43 | Article
Regeneration, whether of companies, sectors or regions, must increasingly be led by knowledge and innovation. The critical need is to reconstitute the public sphere as a forum for collective action. New organizational structures are central to this project and intelligent models of organization are… read more