Zannie Bock

List of John Benjamins publications for which Zannie Bock plays a role.


This article analyses the function that code-switching plays in selected testimonies given at South Africa’s Truth and Reconciliation Commission which followed the country’s transition to democracy in 1994. In a number of testimonies, victims of human rights abuse under Apartheid code-switched… read more
Bock, Zannie and David H. Gough 2002 Social literacies and students in tertiary settings: Lessons from South AfricaLiteracies: Tertiary contexts, Golebiowski, Zosia, pp. 49–58 | Article
In this article we explore the consequences of the social literacies model of understanding students’ academic literacy practices at a South African University. We highlight some of the paradoxes of this model in South Africa in terms of the particular demands of dominant literacy practices and… read more