Christel Le Bellec
List of John Benjamins publications for which Christel Le Bellec plays a role.
The past participle and the periphrastic passive construction in French Lingvisticæ Investigationes 44:1, pp. 37–65 | Article
2021 Our hypothesis is that the past participle is a singular form in the TAM (tense-aspect-mood) linguistic system in French, in that it represents the internal time of the process on its terminal point ([R = Et]). Due to this representation of internal time, the p.p. can be related to the second… read more
Du participe passé en français: Fonctionnements, valeur en langue et effets de sens en discours Lingvisticæ Investigationes 40:2, pp. 274–303 | Article
2017 Du participe passé en français : fonctionnements, valeur en langue et effets de sens en discours Qu’est-ce qui fait que le participe passé en emploi nu peut être incident au prime actant des intransitifs-être (à l’exception de aller), de quelques rares intransitifs-avoir, de certains… read more
L’accord du participe passé dans les langues romanes: Entre pragmatique et syntaxe Revue Romane 44:1, pp. 1–24 | Article
2009 This study aims at describing past participle agreement rules in the Romance languages. These are mainly considered as being an arbitrary set of rules; however, this study is based on the hypothesis that this kind of agreement has primarily a pragmatic function. Indeed, based on the hypothesis… read more