Artemis Alexiadou
List of John Benjamins publications for which Artemis Alexiadou plays a role.
Multiple Determiners and the Structure of DPs
Artemis Alexiadou
[Linguistik Aktuell/Linguistics Today, 211] 2014. xi, 134 pp.
Subjects Generative linguistics | Syntax | Theoretical linguistics
Non-Canonical Passives
Edited by Artemis Alexiadou and Florian Schäfer
[Linguistik Aktuell/Linguistics Today, 205] 2013. vi, 361 pp
Subjects Generative linguistics | Semantics | Syntax | Theoretical linguistics
Advances in Comparative Germanic Syntax
Edited by Artemis Alexiadou, Jorge Hankamer, Thomas McFadden, Justin Nuger and Florian Schäfer
[Linguistik Aktuell/Linguistics Today, 141] 2009. xv, 395 pp.
Subjects Generative linguistics | Germanic linguistics | Syntax | Theoretical linguistics
Theoretical Approaches to Universals
Edited by Artemis Alexiadou
[Linguistik Aktuell/Linguistics Today, 49] 2002. viii, 319 pp.
Subjects Generative linguistics | Syntax | Theoretical linguistics
Dimensions of Movement: From features to remnants
Edited by Artemis Alexiadou, Elena Anagnostopoulou, Sjef Barbiers and Hans-Martin Gärtner
[Linguistik Aktuell/Linguistics Today, 48] 2002. vi, 345 pp.
Subjects Generative linguistics | Syntax
Functional Structure in Nominals: Nominalization and ergativity
Artemis Alexiadou
[Linguistik Aktuell/Linguistics Today, 42] 2001. x, 231 pp.
Subjects Generative linguistics | Syntax | Theoretical linguistics
The Syntax of Relative Clauses
Edited by Artemis Alexiadou, Paul Law, André Meinunger and Chris Wilder
[Linguistik Aktuell/Linguistics Today, 32] 2000. vi, 395 pp.
Subjects Generative linguistics | Syntax
Possessors, Predicates and Movement in the Determiner Phrase
Edited by Artemis Alexiadou and Chris Wilder
[Linguistik Aktuell/Linguistics Today, 22] 1998. vi, 388 pp
Subjects Generative linguistics | Syntax
Adverb Placement: A case study in antisymmetric syntax
Artemis Alexiadou
[Linguistik Aktuell/Linguistics Today, 18] 1997. x, 256 pp.
Subjects Generative linguistics | Other Indo-European languages | Syntax
Studies on Universal Grammar and Typological Variation
Edited by Artemis Alexiadou and Tracy Alan Hall
[Linguistik Aktuell/Linguistics Today, 13] 1997. viii, 252 pp.
Subjects Generative linguistics | Syntax
Feature-exponence mapping in language contact: Dissolving Feature Reassembly’ Epistemological issue: The importance of features and exponents: Dissolving Feature Reassembly, Flores, Cristina and Neal Snape (eds.), pp. 43–47 | Commentary
2024 The use of periphrasis for the expression of aspect by Greek heritage speakers: A case study of register variation narrowing Register Studies 5:1, pp. 82–110 | Article
2023 In this paper, we examine the narrowing of register variation in the domain of verbal aspect in the production of aspect by two different age groups of Greek heritage speakers (HSs), adolescents and adults, which we compared to their monolingual peers. We first identify a previously undocumented… read more
Backward control, long distance agree, nominative case and TP/CP transparency Non-canonical Control in a Cross-linguistic Perspective, Mucha, Anne, Jutta M. Hartmann and Beata Trawiński (eds.), pp. 15–34 | Chapter
2021 In this paper, we revisit the evidence that what has been analyzed as Backward Control in Greek is just another instance of Long Distance Agree. Through the formation of such long distance chains, Greek allows non-local assignment of nominative. We further argue that long distance chains come in… read more
Language variation and change: A case study of the loss of genitive case in (Heritage) Greek Current trends in analyzing syntactic variation, De Cuypere, Ludovic, Clara Vanderschueren and Gert de Sutter (eds.), pp. 56–75 | Article
2017 Building words Morphological Metatheory, Siddiqi, Daniel and Heidi Harley (eds.), pp. 223–236 | Article
2016 This chapter discusses some views on syntactic word formation, by focusing on the assumptions being made within the framework of Distributed Morphology. This is contrasted to two other syntactic views on word formation, namely the exoskeletal model and span based word formation. The chapter also… read more
Causative nominalizations: Implications for the structure of psych verbs Structuring the Argument: Multidisciplinary research on verb argument structure, Bachrach, Asaf, Isabelle Roy and Linnaea Stockall (eds.), pp. 119–137 | Article
2014 We investigate so-called causative psych nominalizations (CPNs), i.e., nominalizations of object experiencer (OE) verbs that realize non-agentive causers as external arguments. While they are ruled out in English (Grimshaw 1990; Iwata 1995; Pesetsky 1995) and have been suggested to be… read more
The canonical function of the deponent
verbs in modern Greek Morphology and Meaning: Selected papers from the 15th International Morphology Meeting, Vienna, February 2012, Rainer, Franz, Francesco Gardani, Hans Christian Luschützky and Wolfgang U. Dressler (eds.), pp. 331–344 | Article
2014 The present paper discusses deponent verbs in Modern Greek. Deponents are claimed to be idiosyncratic, non-canonical verbs representing a mismatch between morphology and syntax/semantics, as they are intransitive verbs exhibiting a morphological form, non-active, without there being an active… read more
Non-canonical passives Non-Canonical Passives, Alexiadou, Artemis and Florian Schäfer (eds.), pp. 1–20 | Article
2013 On the adverbial reading of infrequency adjectives and the structure of the DP Comparative Germanic Syntax: The state of the art, Ackema, Peter, Rhona Alcorn, Caroline Heycock, Dany Jaspers, Jeroen van Craenenbroeck and Guido Vanden Wyngaerd (eds.), pp. 35–66 | Article
2012 In this paper we discuss Occasional Constructions (OCs) in English, German, Greek, and Italian. While English and Italian readily allow OCs, albeit with a different set of determiners, these are absent from the grammar of Greek and are much less frequent, if possible at all, in German. Building on… read more
The aspectual properties of nominalization structures
Morphology and its Interfaces, Galani, Alexandra, Glyn Hicks and George Tsoulas (eds.), pp. 195–278 | ArticleIn this paper I will primarily discuss the aspectual properties of Greek verbderived nominalizations and address the question of how these interact withmorphological marking introducing class and number. Greek nominalizationswill be compared to Romanian ones, which have been argued to show… read more
Scaling the variation in Romance and Germanic nominalizations The Noun Phrase in Romance and Germanic: Structure, variation, and change, Sleeman, Petra and Harry Perridon (eds.), pp. 25–40 | Article
2011 We investigate the distribution of verbal and nominal layers in Romance and Germanic nominalizations. Specifically, we examine pairs of ‘verbal’ vs. ‘nominal’ nominalizations in two Romance (Spanish & Romanian) and two Germanic (English & German) languages. Our study proposes a large spectrum of… read more
No objections to Backward Control Movement Theory of Control, Hornstein, Norbert and Maria Polinsky (eds.), pp. 89–118 | Article
2010 This chapter addresses two main counterarguments put forth in Landau (2007) against the movement analysis of Control, and especially against the phenomenon of Backward Control (BC), as proposed for Tsez by Polinsky & Potsdam (2002). The first objection concerns the Case properties of the subject… read more
Syntactic realizations of plural in Romance and Germanic nominalizations Romance Linguistics 2008: Interactions in Romance, Arregi, Karlos, Zsuzsanna Fagyal, Silvina Montrul and Annie Tremblay (eds.), pp. 107–124 | Article
2010 This paper offers a syntactic account for the various ways in which Plural is expressed within Argument-Supporting Nominals (ASNs) in Romance and Germanic. We first show, starting from Romanian data, that pluralization is connected to aspectual properties like (a)telicity and (un)boundedness. These… read more
Advances in Comparative Germanic Syntax Advances in Comparative Germanic Syntax, Alexiadou, Artemis, Jorge Hankamer, Thomas McFadden, Justin Nuger and Florian Schäfer (eds.), pp. vii–xvi | Article
2009 On the distribution of adjectives in Romanian: The cel construction Romance Languages and Linguistic Theory: Selected papers from ‘Going Romance’ Amsterdam 2007, Aboh, Enoch O., Elisabeth van der Linden, Josep Quer and Petra Sleeman (eds.), pp. 161–178 | Article
2009 This paper deals with the variable position of adjectives in the Romanian DP. As all other Romance languages, Romanian allows adjectives to appear in both prenominal and postnominal position. In addition, however, Romanian has a third pattern: the so-called cel construction, in which the adjective… read more
Tense marking in the nominal domain: Implications for grammar architecture Linguistic Variation Yearbook 2008, van Craenenbroeck, Jeroen (ed.), pp. 33–60 | Article
2008 The aim of this paper is to argue that temporal marking in the nominal domain should not be taken as evidence for the existence of a syntactic category TP within the extended projection of the noun phrase. On the basis of two unrelated languages, Somali and Halkomelem, the paper re-interprets the… read more
From hierarchies to features: Person splits and direct-inverse alternations Agreement Systems, Boeckx, Cedric (ed.), pp. 41–62 | Article
2006 Auxiliary selection and counterfactuality in the history of English and Germanic Comparative Studies in Germanic Syntax: From Afrikaans to Zurich German, Hartmann, Jutta M. and László Molnárfi (eds.), pp. 237–262 | Article
2006 A possessive adjective in the Greek DP Advances in Greek Generative Syntax: In honor of Dimitra Theophanopoulou-Kontou, Stavrou, Melita and Arhonto Terzi (eds.), pp. 127–151 | Article
2005 On the development of possessive determiners: Consequences for DP structure Diachronic Clues to Synchronic Grammar, Fuß, Eric and Carola Trips (eds.), pp. 31–58 | Chapter
2004 6. Some notes on the structure of alienable and inalienable possessors From NP to DP: Volume 2: The expression of possession in noun phrases, Coene, Martine and Yves D’hulst (eds.), pp. 167–188 | Article
2003 Introduction Theoretical Approaches to Universals, Alexiadou, Artemis (ed.), pp. 1–13 | Miscellaneous
2002 2. Raising without infinitives and the role of agreement Dimensions of Movement: From features to remnants, Alexiadou, Artemis, Elena Anagnostopoulou, Sjef Barbiers and Hans-Martin Gärtner (eds.), pp. 17–30 | Chapter
2002 On the correlation between morphology and syntax: The case of V-to-I Studies in Comparative Germanic Syntax: Proceedings from the 15th Workshop on Comparative Germanic Syntax (Groningen, May 26–27, 2000), Zwart, Jan-Wouter and Werner Abraham (eds.), pp. 219–242 | Article
2002 1. Introduction Dimensions of Movement: From features to remnants, Alexiadou, Artemis, Elena Anagnostopoulou, Sjef Barbiers and Hans-Martin Gärtner (eds.), pp. 1–16 | Chapter
2002 Covert F(eature)-Movement and the Placement of Arguments The Minimalist Parameter: Selected papers from the Open Linguistics Forum, Ottawa, 21–23 March 1997, Alexandrova, Galina M. and Olga Arnaudova (eds.), pp. 175–190 | Article
2001 Asymmetries in the Distribution of Clitics: The Case of Greek Restrictive Relatives Clitic Phenomena in European Languages, Beukema, Frits and Marcel den Dikken (eds.), pp. 47–70 | Article
2000 Adjective-clitic combinations in the Greek DP Clitics in Phonology, Morphology and Syntax, Gerlach, Birgit and Janet Grijzenhout (eds.), pp. 63–84 | Article
2000 Possessive clitics in the DP have not received as much attention as clitics in the verbal domain have. In fact, the few existing accounts of cliticization are either phonological (Nespor & Vogel 1986) or primarily morphological (Kolliakou 1997) or morphosyntactic (Horrocks & Stavrou 1988; Stavrou &… read more
Introduction The Syntax of Relative Clauses, Alexiadou, Artemis, Paul Law, André Meinunger and Chris Wilder (eds.), pp. 1–52 | Miscellaneous
2000 Adverbs, Events and Other Things. By Regina Eckardt Studies in Language 23:3, pp. 711–714 | Squib
1999 Adjectival Modification and Multiple Determiners Possessors, Predicates and Movement in the Determiner Phrase, Alexiadou, Artemis and Chris Wilder (eds.), pp. 305–332 | Article
1998 Introduction Possessors, Predicates and Movement in the Determiner Phrase, Alexiadou, Artemis and Chris Wilder (eds.), pp. 1–16 | Article
1998 On Derived Nominals in Greek Themes in Greek Linguistics: Volume II, Joseph, Brian D., Geoffrey C. Horrocks and Irene Philippaki-Warburton (eds.), pp. 101–130 | Article
1998 Introduction Studies on Universal Grammar and Typological Variation, Alexiadou, Artemis and Tracy Alan Hall (eds.), pp. 1–15 | Article
1997 On aspectual and temporal adverbs Themes in Greek Linguistics: Papers from the First International Conference on Greek Linguistics, Reading, September 1993, Philippaki-Warburton, Irene, Katerina Nicolaidis and Maria Sifianou (eds.), pp. 145–152 | Article