Yu Bin Tan

List of John Benjamins publications for which Yu Bin Tan plays a role.


Shahid, Minahil, Yu Bin Tan, Tom A. Schweizer and Corinne E. Fischer 2023 Chapter 16. Role of bilingualism in neurodegenerative disease I: Alzheimer’sUnderstanding Language and Cognition through Bilingualism: In honor of Ellen Bialystok, Luk, Gigi, John A.E. Anderson and John G. Grundy (eds.), pp. 343–356 | Chapter
Recent research shows bilingualism to be a reserve factor, delaying the onset of symptoms of dementia and slowing the rate at which cognitive decline progresses. This chapter explores how bilingualism may affect the progression of Alzheimer’s disease and why bilingual individuals are more… read more