James Milroy
List of John Benjamins publications for which James Milroy plays a role.
Language change and the speaker: On the discourse of Historical Linguistics Variation and Reconstruction, Cravens, Thomas D. (ed.), pp. 147–164 | Article
2006 When is a sound change? On the role of external factors in language change Social Dialectology: In honour of Peter Trudgill, Britain, David and Jenny Cheshire (eds.), pp. 209–221 | Article
2003 Historical Linguistics and Language Change. By Roger Lass Diachronica 16:1, pp. 177–190 | Miscellaneous
Social Network, Social Class And Language Change Thema's en trends in de sociolinguistiek, pp. 49–66 | Article
1992 On the problem of historical interpretation: Verner’s law in gothic Papers from the Fifth International Conference on Historical Linguistics, Galway, April 6–10 1981, Ahlqvist, Anders (ed.), pp. 223–229 | Article
1982 Lexical alternation and the history of english: evidence from an urban vernacular Papers from the Fourth International Conference on Historical Linguistics, Stanford, March 26–30 1979, Traugott, Elizabeth Closs, Rebecca Labrum and Susan C. Shepherd (eds.), pp. 355–362 | Article
1980 Review of Hudson (1980): Sociolinguistics English World-Wide 1:2, pp. 251–253 | Review