Michèle Guidetti

List of John Benjamins publications for which Michèle Guidetti plays a role.

Subjects Cognition and language | Language acquisition | Multilingualism

Gesture and Multimodal Development

Edited by Jean-Marc Colletta and Michèle Guidetti

[Benjamins Current Topics, 39] 2012. xii, 223 pp.
Subjects Cognitive psychology | Gesture Studies | Language acquisition | Signed languages

Gesture and Multimodal Development

Edited by Jean-Marc Colletta and Michèle Guidetti

Special issue of Gesture 10:2/3 (2010) vi, 232 pp.
Subjects Cognitive psychology | Communication Studies | Electronic/Multimedia Products | Gesture Studies | Signed languages
Fibigerová, Kateřina and Michèle Guidetti 2022 Iconicity in gesture: How Czech children and adults use iconic gestures to deal with a gap between mental and linguistic representations of motion eventsIconicity in Cognition and across Semiotic Systems, Lenninger, Sara, Olga Fischer, Christina Ljungberg and Elżbieta Tabakowska (eds.), pp. 245–264 | Chapter
Our paper contributes to the discussion about iconicity by bringing attention to iconic co-speech gestures. We investigate their role in situations where mental representation becomes difficult to fully express through words only. For instance, when Czech speakers describe Motion, the lexicon… read more
This chapter contributes to the present discussion about the expression of motion in French by presenting a psycholinguistic study that focuses on how information about motion is structured not only in speech but also in co-speech gesture. Interested in developmental and cross-linguistic… read more
Colletta, Jean-Marc, Ramona Kunene Nicolas and Michèle Guidetti 2018 Chapter 7. Gesture and speech in adults’ and children’s narratives: A cross-linguistic investigation of Zulu and FrenchSources of Variation in First Language Acquisition: Languages, contexts, and learners, Hickmann, Maya †, Edy Veneziano and Harriet Jisa (eds.), pp. 139–160 | Chapter
This chapter reports on a cross-linguistic developmental study comparing speech and gesture produced in narratives by adults and children speaking either French (a non-pro-drop Romance language) or Zulu (a pro-drop Bantu language). We asked 72 participants (French: 12 adults and 24 children; Zulu:… read more
The present study compares adults, five- and ten-year-old speakers of Czech (a satellite-framed language) and French (a verb-framed language) during the task of describing short animated videos displaying various voluntary motion events. In this research domain, Czech is a hitherto unexplored… read more
Guidetti, Michèle and Aliyah Morgenstern 2017 The gesture-sign interface in language acquisitionThe gesture–sign interface in language acquisition / L’interface geste–signe dans l’acquisition du langage, Morgenstern, Aliyah and Michèle Guidetti (eds.), pp. 1–12 | Introduction
The aim of this special issue is to present and pursue the challenging discussions about the links between gestures and signs and their theoretical and methodological impact that took place during the GDR ADYLOC workshop (GDR CNRS 3195) on April 4–5 2014 at Sorbonne Nouvelle University in Paris.… read more
Guidetti, Michèle, Kateřina Fibigerová and Jean-Marc Colletta 2014 Gestures and multimodal development: Some key issues for language acquisitionFrom Gesture in Conversation to Visible Action as Utterance: Essays in honor of Adam Kendon, Seyfeddinipur, Mandana and Marianne Gullberg (eds.), pp. 351–370 | Article
Children begin to gesture long before talking. Gestures, such as pointing or waving goodbye, constitute the principal means of interacting conventionally with others before the emergence of the lexicon. Children continue to gesture after they start to talk, and through to adulthood. In spite of… read more
Fibigerová, Kateřina, Michèle Guidetti and Lenka Šulová 2012 11. Verbal and gestural expression of motion in French and CzechSpace and Time in Languages and Cultures: Language, culture, and cognition, Filipović, Luna and Katarzyna M. Jaszczolt (eds.), pp. 251–268 | Article
The aim of this chapter is to contribute to the general discussion about conceptualisation of motion events in different languages and cultures (see also Engemann et al., HCP 36; Lewandowski, HCP 36; Filipović and Geva, this volume). This study examines how language specificities influence the way… read more
Guidetti, Michèle and Jean-Marc Colletta 2012 Gesture and multimodal developmentGesture and Multimodal Development, Colletta, Jean-Marc and Michèle Guidetti (eds.), pp. 1–6 | Article
Guidetti, Michèle and Jean-Marc Colletta 2010 Gesture and multimodal developmentGesture and Multimodal Development, Colletta, Jean-Marc and Michèle Guidetti (eds.), pp. 123–128 | Article