Cornelia Ilie

List of John Benjamins publications for which Cornelia Ilie plays a role.

Book series


Subjects Communication Studies | Discourse studies | Pragmatics
Subjects Communication Studies | Discourse studies | Pragmatics

Democracy and Discriminatory Strategies in Parliamentary Discourse

Edited by Karin Bischof and Cornelia Ilie

Special issue of Journal of Language and Politics 17:5 (2018) vi, 127 pp.
Subjects Communication Studies | Discourse studies | Pragmatics

Pragmatics and its Interfaces

Edited by Cornelia Ilie and Neal R. Norrick

[Pragmatics & Beyond New Series, 294] 2018. vi, 313 pp.
Subjects Communication Studies | Discourse studies | Pragmatics

Argumentation across Communities of Practice: Multi-disciplinary perspectives

Edited by Cornelia Ilie and Giuliana Garzone

[Argumentation in Context, 10] 2017. vi, 345 pp.
Subjects Communication Studies | Dialogue studies | Discourse studies | Philosophy | Pragmatics | Sociolinguistics and Dialectology
Subjects Communication Studies | Discourse studies | Pragmatics

Language and Ideology: Volume 2: descriptive cognitive approaches

Edited by René Dirven †, Roslyn M. Frank and Cornelia Ilie

[Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, 205] 2001. vi, 267 pp.
Subjects Cognition and language | Pragmatics
In times of crisis, such as the Covid-19 pandemic, social divisions caused by dissensus about controversial government policies escalate due to widespread uncertainty and anxiety, fuelled by the proliferation of covert and overt manipulative strategies in official discourses. Like citizens in… read more
As parliamentary debates increasingly display rising levels of political conflict, the polarized and aggressive polemical exchanges in Prime Minister’s Questions are impacting the current agenda-setting and consequently public perceptions and assessments. To get a deeper understanding of the… read more
The goal of this investigation is to scrutinize the interplay of parliamentary questions and answers in the notoriously polarized PMQs (Prime Minister’s Questions), in terms of three pragmatic criteria: topical focus, addressed target(s), and pursued goal(s). A pragma-rhetorical analysis… read more
Bischof, Karin and Cornelia Ilie 2018 Democracy and discriminatory strategies in parliamentary discourseDemocracy and Discriminatory Strategies in Parliamentary Discourse, Bischof, Karin and Cornelia Ilie (eds.), pp. 585–593 | Editorial
Ilie, Cornelia 2018 Pragmatics vs rhetoric: Political discourse at the pragmatics-rhetoric interfacePragmatics and its Interfaces, Ilie, Cornelia and Neal R. Norrick (eds.), pp. 85–119 | Chapter
Pragmatics and rhetoric display a range of commonalities and convergences in that both are concerned with discursive and extra-discursive strategies that enable the negotiation and re-negotiation of context-situated meaning, and the co-performance of interpersonal and institutional relationships… read more
After a record number of women were elected to the House of Commons in 1997, many incidents of sexism and abusive behaviour were reported. The aim of this article is twofold: on the one hand, to scrutinize the mechanisms and effects of sexist discrimination and stereotyping of women MPs in the… read more
Norrick, Neal R. and Cornelia Ilie 2018 Introduction: Pragmatics and its interfacesPragmatics and its Interfaces, Ilie, Cornelia and Neal R. Norrick (eds.), pp. 1–10 | Introduction
The aim of this chapter is to identify and scrutinize the mechanisms of overt and covert argumentation and counter-argumentation that underlie the question-answer turn-taking structure in a political accountability interview conducted as part of the BBC HARDtalk programmes. The political… read more
Ilie, Cornelia 2015 Follow-ups as multifunctional questioning and answering strategies in Prime Minister’s QuestionsThe Dynamics of Political Discourse: Forms and functions of follow-ups, Fetzer, Anita, Elda Weizman and Lawrence N. Berlin (eds.), pp. 195–218 | Article
In parliamentary interaction, more than in other types of institutional dialogue, follow-ups indicate how UK Members of Parliament (MPs) negotiate not only the pros and cons of topic-related issues, but also their status, roles and power positions. While a follow-up is normally conditioned by… read more
Ilie, Cornelia 2012 Representing gender in parliamentary dialogue: Are there any cross-cultural stereotypes?(Re)presentations and Dialogue, Cooren, François and Alain Létourneau (eds.), pp. 59–82 | Article
To understand the emergence of gender roles in parliamentary interaction, it is useful to compare the ways in which female and male MPs use and misuse addressing strategies. Behaviours and interactional performances are interpreted in significant ways: by being acknowledged and appreciated, by… read more
Ilie, Cornelia 2010 IntroductionEuropean Parliaments under Scrutiny: Discourse strategies and interaction practices, Ilie, Cornelia (ed.), pp. 1–25 | Article
Ilie, Cornelia 2003 Discourse and metadiscourse in parliamentary debatesParliamentary Discourse, pp. 71–92 | Article
Oral metadiscourse is envisaged in the present study as a set of rhetorically structured communicative and interactional strategies used by speakers to signal, highlight, mitigate, or cancel parts of their ongoing discourse and their varying relevance to different addressees and/or audience… read more
Dirven, René †, Roslyn M. Frank and Cornelia Ilie 2001 IntroductionLanguage and Ideology: Volume 2: descriptive cognitive approaches, Dirven, René †, Roslyn M. Frank and Cornelia Ilie (eds.), pp. 1–26 | Miscellaneous
Ilie, Cornelia 2001 Unparliamentary language: Insults as cognitive forms of ideological confrontationLanguage and Ideology: Volume 2: descriptive cognitive approaches, Dirven, René †, Roslyn M. Frank and Cornelia Ilie (eds.), pp. 235–264 | Article