Judith Aissen

List of John Benjamins publications for which Judith Aissen plays a role.

Aissen, Judith and Joan Bresnan 2007 Remarks on description and explanation in grammar: Commentary on HaspelmathWhat Counts as Evidence in Linguistics: The case of innateness, Penke, Martina and Anette Rosenbach (eds.), pp. 109–112 | Article
Aissen, Judith and Joan Bresnan 2004 Remarks on description and explanation in grammar: Commentary on HaspelmathWhat Counts as Evidence in Linguistics?: The case of innateness, Penke, Martina and Anette Rosenbach (eds.), pp. 580–583 | Article
Aissen, Judith 1999 External Possessor and Logical Subject in Tz’utujilExternal Possession, Payne, Doris L. and Immanuel Barshi (eds.), pp. 167–194 | Article
Aissen, Judith 1991 2. Relational GrammarLinguistic Theory and Grammatical Description: Nine Current Approaches, Droste, Flip G. and John E. Joseph (eds.), pp. 63–102 | Chapter