This chapter investigates the entrenchment of semi-schematic time constructions by a group of foreign language learners of Swedish. Results from a phrasal decision experiment with 30 German speaking learners of Swedish show that the learners of Swedish process these constructions significantly… read more
Recent years have seen an increasing interest in applying Construction Grammar to additional language (AL) acquisition as well as in constructionist approaches to language contact and multilingualism, in particular Diasystematic Construction Grammar (DCxG; Höder, 2018). This paper combines both… read more
The aim of the current paper is to reinterpret some results of two previous studies on the mastery of figurative expressions from the perspective of usage-based linguistics. The reanalysis aims to shed more light on the learning and use of figurative language by multilingual students by… read more
This chapter describes and discusses the use of resources connected to Swedish FrameNet++ (SweFN++) in the context of the teaching and learning of language proficiency and grammatical analysis in Swedish. We illustrate the way in which different resources in the SweFN++ context can be useful for… read more
We present an experiment where natural language processing tools are used to automatically identify potential constructions in a corpus. The experiment was conducted as part of the ongoing efforts to develop a Swedish constructicon. Using an automatic method to suggest constructions has advantages… read more