Marta Luján

List of John Benjamins publications for which Marta Luján plays a role.


Luján, Marta 2017 Chapter 18. Spanish in the Americas: A dialogic approach to language contactLanguage Contact and Change in Mesoamerica and Beyond, Dakin, Karen, Claudia Parodi and Natalie Operstein (eds.), pp. 386–417 | Chapter
Bakhtin’s dialogical principle (DP) is a social theory of language that provides the right framework to characterize the Spanish language in the Americas (LAS) in intrinsic relation to the ‘mestizo’ (mixed) culture and identity that emerged from the biocultural contact resulting from the Spanish… read more
Luján, Marta 1999 A Unified Approach to Control and ObviationGrammatical Analyses in Basque and Romance Linguistics: Papers in honor of Mario Saltarelli, Franco, Jon A., Alazne Landa and Juan Martín (eds.), pp. 105 ff. | Article