Malte Zimmermann

List of John Benjamins publications for which Malte Zimmermann plays a role.

Zimmermann, Malte, Joseph P. De Veaugh-Geiss, Swantje Tönnis and Edgar Onea 2020 (Non-)exhaustivity in focus partitioning across languagesApproaches to Hungarian: Volume 16: Papers from the 2017 Budapest Conference, Hegedűs, Veronika and Irene Vogel (eds.), pp. 207–230 | Chapter
We present novel experimental evidence on the availability and the status of exhaustivity inferences with focus partitioning in German, English, and Hungarian. Results suggest that German and English focus-background clefts and Hungarian focus share important properties, (É. Kiss 1998, 1999;… read more
Hole, Daniel and Malte Zimmermann 2013 Cleft partitionings in Japanese, Burmese and ChineseCleft Structures, Hartmann, Katharina and Tonjes Veenstra (eds.), pp. 285–318 | Article
The article presents the first comparative overview and analysis of clefting and related focusing strategies involving clauses with nominalizers in three (South) East Asian languages: Japanese, Burmese, and Mandarin Chinese. The three languages exhibit parametric variation as to whether focusing… read more
I argue that the interpretation of expressions consisting of disjunction marker and wh-element (wh-disj expressions), which varies across languages, constitutes a case of semantic variation. In Hausa, these expressions denote universal generalized quantifiers, which give rise to free choice… read more
Hartmann, Katharina and Malte Zimmermann 2007 In place — out of place? Focus strategies in HausaOn Information Structure, Meaning and Form: Generalizations across languages, Schwabe, Kerstin and Susanne Winkler (eds.), pp. 365–403 | Article
Zimmermann, Malte 1999 Case-Assignment and the Syntactic Distribution of the Adnominal Quantifier paljon in FinnishLinguistics in the Netherlands 1999, Bezooijen, Renée van and René Kager (eds.), pp. 217–231 | Article