Daniël Janssen

List of John Benjamins publications for which Daniël Janssen plays a role.


ISSN 1388-8951 | E-ISSN 1569-9722


Reading and Writing Public Documents

Edited by Daniël Janssen and Rob Neutelings

[Document Design Companion Series, 1] 2001. vi, 304 pp.
Subjects Discourse studies | Industrial & organizational studies | Pragmatics | Writing and literacy
Jaspers, Joep and Daniël Janssen 2006 Problems in the Field: Writing from the startText features which enable cognitive strategies during text comprehension, Oostendorp, Herre van (ed.), pp. 68–70 | Miscellaneous
Janssen, Daniël and Joep Jaspers 2004 Client-oriented correspondance: How do you actually do it?Information Design Journal 12:3, pp. 187–189 | Miscellaneous
Jaspers, Joep and Daniël Janssen 2002 Problems in the field: Learning from readersDocument Design 3:1, pp. 13–15 | Miscellaneous
Janssen, Daniël 2001 6. Improving the quality of public documents: Or: Why training public writers often doesn’t workReading and Writing Public Documents, Janssen, Daniël and Rob Neutelings (eds.), pp. 105–124 | Chapter
Did you ever teach an in-company writing training, visited the company again a couple of weeks later and asked yourself why the people who underwent your training were not using half of the things you taught them and still produce bad writing? The answer to this question might be that improving the… read more
Janssen, Daniël and Niels van der Mast 2001 9. Collaborative writing for the governmentReading and Writing Public Documents, Janssen, Daniël and Rob Neutelings (eds.), pp. 171–210 | Chapter
Have you ever tried to read a governmental policy issue paper? Did you enjoy reading it? Probably not. Policy papers are usually considered to be a bad read. Not because policy writers are bad writers. On the contrary. The characteristics of policy papers are the direct result of a complex process… read more
Janssen, Daniël and Rob Neutelings 2001 1. IntroductionReading and Writing Public Documents, Janssen, Daniël and Rob Neutelings (eds.), pp. 1–9 | Chapter
Jaspers, Joep and Daniël Janssen 2001 Problems in the field: ‘Improving’ the structure of business textsDocument Design 2:1, pp. 58–60 | Article
Jaspers, Joep and Daniël Janssen 2001 Problems in the field: Writing good reports togetherDocument Design 2:2, pp. 152–154 | Miscellaneous
Jaspers, Joep and Daniël Janssen 2001 Problems in the field: A crisis means bad news, but the reverse doesn’ holdThe Pragmatics of Crisis, Jacobs, Geert and Luuk Van Waes (eds.), pp. 293–294 | Miscellaneous
Mast, Niels van der and Daniël Janssen 2001 10. Strategic revision of public documents: How policy writers revise documents in order to reach consensusReading and Writing Public Documents, Janssen, Daniël and Rob Neutelings (eds.), pp. 211–232 | Chapter
Earlier research has shown that policy writers are strategists. Somehow, they know how to deal effectively with comments on draft versions of their documents in order to satisfy the various stakeholders in the (collaborative) writing process and generate consensus on their texts. But how do they do… read more
Janssen, Daniël and Joep Jaspers 1999 Problems in the Field: Texts and text design in the real worldDocument Design 1:2, pp. 115–117 | Miscellaneous
Jaspers, Joep and Daniël Janssen 1999 Problems in the FieldDocument Design 1:1, pp. 35–37 | Article
Jaspers, Joep and Daniël Janssen 1999 Problems in the field: 'Improving' the structure of business textsDocument Design 1:3, pp. 182–184 | Miscellaneous
Janssen, Daniël en Joost Schilperoord 1991 Tekstplanning en TekstproduktieSchrijven in moedertaal en vreemde taal, pp. 80–91 | Article
In our article we describe the functions of so-called 'text plans1 in two different processes of text production: (1) dictating business letters and (2) writing governmental policy issue papers. Text plans are defined as: abstract, schematic representations of the text a writer/dictator wants to… read more