Matthew Patience
List of John Benjamins publications for which Matthew Patience plays a role.
The perception and interpretation of sentence types by L1 Spanish–L2 English speakers Linguistic Approaches to Bilingualism 10:4, pp. 499–529 | Article
2020 While the L2 perception of segmentals has been investigated, our knowledge of the L2 perception of intonation is limited. Moreover, it is unclear how context affects L1 transfer. This study investigates the perception of English sentence types by adult L1 Spanish speakers across tasks varying in… read more
Stressed clitics in Argentine Spanish: Which way does the clitic lean? Inquiries in Hispanic Linguistics: From theory to empirical evidence, Cuza, Alejandro, Lori Czerwionka and Daniel Olson (eds.), pp. 149–170 | Article
2016 The present paper investigates the phonological representation of stressed clitics in Argentine Spanish, building on the proposal of Colantoni and Cuervo (2013) that stressed clitics may be either affixes or independent words. This hypothesis is tested by comparing the acoustic characteristics… read more