Claude Vandeloise

List of John Benjamins publications for which Claude Vandeloise plays a role.

Vandeloise, Claude 2007 A taxonomy of basic natural entitiesThe Categorization of Spatial Entities in Language and Cognition, Aurnague, Michel, Maya Hickmann † and Laure Vieu (eds.), pp. 35–52 | Article
The taxonomy set out in this chapter explores the connection between the ontology of concrete entities and their representation by nouns in languages like French and English. Basic entities are compared with super-entities, composed of several basic entities, and sub-entities that are parts of… read more
Vandeloise, Claude 2006 Are there spatial prepositions?Space in Languages: Linguistic Systems and Cognitive Categories, Hickmann, Maya † and Stéphane Robert (eds.), pp. 139–154 | Article
Vandeloise, Claude 1988 Length, width, and potential passingTopics in Cognitive Linguistics, Rudzka-Ostyn, Brygida (ed.), pp. 403–428 | Article
Vandeloise, Claude 1987 Complex Primitives in Language AcquisitionPerspectives on Child Language, De Houwer, Annick and Steven Gillis (eds.), pp. 11–36 | Article
Which is the best way of describing spatial prepositions? Even though geometry and logic provide rigorous and useful tools for this undertaking, I will show that they fall short from describing completely these prepositions. A complete description must take into consideration the movement and the… read more