Ayesha Kidwai

List of John Benjamins publications for which Ayesha Kidwai plays a role.


Kidwai, Ayesha 2010 The cartography of phases: Facts and inference in MeiteilonEdges, Heads, and Projections: Interface properties, Di Sciullo, Anna Maria and Virginia Hill (eds.), pp. 233–262 | Article
This paper investigates the relation between cartographic and phasal heads in the light of Chomsky’s recent proposals (2007) of feature transfer from C to T; the data come from Meiteilon, a language that lacks Tense morphology. I argue that the evidence from this language provides striking… read more
Kidwai, Ayesha 1999 Word Order and Focus Positions in Universal GrammarThe Grammar of Focus, Rebuschi, Georges and Laurice Tuller (eds.), pp. 213–244 | Article