Kendall A. King

List of John Benjamins publications for which Kendall A. King plays a role.

King, Kendall A., Mengying Liu and María Cecilia Schwedhelm 2018 Language policy, language study, and heritage language education in the U.S.Foreign Language Education in Multilingual Classrooms, Bonnet, Andreas and Peter Siemund (eds.), pp. 77–98 | Chapter
Language policy and language study in the U.S. have long been defined by three trends: an absence of national-level language policy; a highly multilingual history characterized by overwhelming shift towards English; and a tendency for educational policy to shift students rapidly towards English… read more
Bigelow, Martha and Kendall A. King 2016 13. Peer interaction while learning to read in a new languagePeer Interaction and Second Language Learning: Pedagogical potential and research agenda, Sato, Masatoshi and Susan Ballinger (eds.), pp. 349–375 | Article
This chapter examines second language (L2) peer oral language interaction between two learners engaged in a partner reading activity. The data come from an English language arts class for newcomers in an all-immigrant high school in the U.S. Students arrive in this beginner-level, English language… read more
RESUMEN Examinando lo inesperado: Cambios en el corpus y en el estatus del idioma como parte del proceso de la revitalización lingüística. Tomando los esfuerzos del estudio para revitalizar el quichua en el su r del Ecuador, este trabajo busca describir las transformaciones tanto del estatus como… read more