Cristina Monzón

List of John Benjamins publications for which Cristina Monzón plays a role.

The grammar, dictionary, and religious texts by Friar Juan Baptista de Lagunas (c.1530–1604) are three works that the author conceived as complementary and published within one cover (1574). Nevertheless, the content of each book is rather different in the theme developed and the influences that… read more
Monzón, Cristina 2009 The Tarascan Lexicographic Tradition in the 16th centuryMissionary Linguistics IV / Lingüística misionera IV: Lexicography, Zwartjes, Otto, Ramón Arzápalo Marín and Thomas C. Smith-Stark (eds.), pp. 165–195 | Article
A lo largo de la segunda mitad del siglo XVI los frailes franciscanos y agustinos con el apoyo, como se mostrará aquí, de lexicógrafos indígenas producen tres diccionarios para la lengua tarasca cuyas características permiten hablar de una tradición lexicográfica particular: las entradas… read more
Monzón, Cristina 2007 Morphology in the 16th-century Artes of Tarascan: The case of the suffix -tsi or -tsMissionary Linguistics III / Lingüística misionera III: Morphology and Syntax, Zwartjes, Otto, Gregory James and Emilio Ridruejo (eds.), pp. 75 ff. | Article