Anna Berti

List of John Benjamins publications for which Anna Berti plays a role.


Bottini, Gabriella, Martina Gandola, Lorenzo Pia and Anna Berti 2006 The impairment of the body image in the unilateral neglect syndromeImagery and Spatial Cognition: Methods, models and cognitive assessment, Vecchi, Tomaso and Gabriella Bottini (eds.), pp. 363–379 | Article
Làdavas, Elisabetta, Anna Berti and Alessandro Farnè 2000 Dissociation between Conscious and Non-Conscious Processing in NeglectBeyond Dissociation: Interaction between dissociated implicit and explicit processing, Rossetti, Yves and Antti Revonsuo (eds.), pp. 175–194 | Article