Pauline Foster

List of John Benjamins publications for which Pauline Foster plays a role.

Bolibaugh, Cylcia and Pauline Foster 2013 Memory-based aptitude for nativelike selection: The role of phonological short-term memorySensitive periods, language aptitude, and ultimate L2 attainment, Granena, Gisela and Mike Long (eds.), pp. 205–230 | Article
Native speaker competence includes not only grammatical knowledge but also knowledge of communal and conventional word combinations, or nativelike selections. Although all speakers are idiomatic in their L1, very few, even in immersion contexts, are as successful in their L2. This chapter presents… read more
Skehan, Peter and Pauline Foster 2012 Complexity, accuracy, fluency and lexis in task-based performance: A synthesis of the Ealing researchDimensions of L2 Performance and Proficiency: Complexity, Accuracy and Fluency in SLA, Housen, Alex, Folkert Kuiken and Ineke Vedder (eds.), pp. 199–220 | Article
This chapter will present a research synthesis of a series of studies, termed here the Ealing research. The studies use the same general framework to conceptualise tasks and task performance, enabling easier comparability. The different studies, although each is self-contained, build into a wider… read more
Foster, Pauline and Peter Skehan 2009 Chapter 13. The influence of planning and task type on second language performanceTask-Based Language Teaching: A reader, Van den Branden, Kris, Martin Bygate and John M. Norris (eds.), pp. 275–300 | Article
This study focuses on the impact of different variables on the nature of language performance in the context of task-based instruction. Characteristics of tasks are discussed, and then a framework is offered that can organize the nature of task-based instruction and relevant research. The framework… read more