L’objectif de cet article est de rendre compte des pluriels simples et doubles de l’arabe dans le cadre de la théorie des nominaux et de l’individuation de Borer (2005). En particulier, nous étudions ces pluriels dans les constructions où l’accord entre le verbe et le pluriel est déviant et… read more
In the context of Borer’s (2005) theory of nominal classification, the aim of this paper is to explain why measure words in some languages (English, French, Hebrew) necessarily take an -s (two bottles of milk versus *two bottle of milk) while in other languages (Azeri, Persian, Ojibwe) measure… read more
The aim of this paper is to account for nominalization processes in Ojibwe including agent and non-agent nominalizations. I make two main claims: (1) in Ojibwe (even) simple nouns (result nominals, cf. Grimshaw 1990) have internal (verbal) structure; (2) agent nominals in Ojibwe are not exactly… read more
Mathieu, Eric 2014 Many a pluralWeak Referentiality, Aguilar-Guevara, Ana, Bert Le Bruyn and Joost Zwarts (eds.), pp. 157–182 | Article
The aim of the present paper is to contribute to the literature on plurals by showing that, cross-linguistically, not all plurals are unmarked semantically. Focusing on Arabic, where the plural comes in many guises, and proposing different syntactic positions for its different manifestations, I… read more
This paper shows that, rather than being necessary for argumenthood or referentiality, determiners in Old French were optional, but used in relation to discourse properties such as focus/emphasis on the one hand, and in relation to phonological/metric requirements on the other. The choice between… read more