There is a general agreement that teachers experience challenges when it comes to dealing with learners who already use two languages daily (Angelovska, 2019). Several learner individual differences could influence the outcomes in pronunciation learning and teaching, e.g., the three (or more)… read more
This study examines the negative1 interlanguage transfer2 of the verb-second (henceforth V2) by adult speakers with L1 Russian, advanced L2 German and at either elementary3 or intermediate L3 levels of English, whereby L2 and L3 were acquired subsequently and formally. It questions if and which of… read more
In the field of Instructed Third Language Acquisition (ITLA), teachers are left alone not knowing how to predict possible transfer phenomena, how to overcome them and how to raise their learners’ metalinguistic awareness. We start from the existing results and non-results of L3 acquisition… read more