Carolyn Rovee-Collier

List of John Benjamins publications for which Carolyn Rovee-Collier plays a role.


The Development of Implicit and Explicit Memory

Carolyn Rovee-Collier, Harlene Hayne and Michael Colombo

[Advances in Consciousness Research, 24] 2000. x, 322 pp.
Subjects Cognitive psychology | Consciousness research | Neuropsychology


Lipsitt, Lewis P. and Carolyn Rovee-Collier 2012 Chapter 12. The psychophysics of olfaction in the human newborn: Habituation and cross-adaptationOlfactory Cognition: From perception and memory to environmental odours and neuroscience, Zucco, Gesualdo M., Rachel S. Herz and Benoist Schaal (eds.), pp. 221–235 | Article
Until the early 1960s, little was known about the human newborn’s ability to detect odors. At that time, the modern study of newborn olfaction was introduced by Trygg Engen in collaboration with Lewis Lipsitt, colleagues in the Psychology Department of Brown University. In two seminal studies, they… read more