Yuling Pan

List of John Benjamins publications for which Yuling Pan plays a role.


Pan, Yuling 2011 Cantonese politeness in the interviewing settingInstitutional Politeness in (South) East Asia, Bargiela, Francesca and Dániel Z. Kádár (eds.), pp. 10–33 | Article
This paper aims to use Cantonese interview data to explore how (im)politeness is used as a discursive strategy and resource to attend to the perceived interactional goal and power relationship in the interview setting. It adopts a situation-oriented and ethnography-driven approach to study… read more
Pan, Yuling 2011 EpilogueInstitutional Politeness in (South) East Asia, Bargiela, Francesca and Dániel Z. Kádár (eds.), pp. 97–102 | Article
This study investigates politeness phenomena in Chinese service encounters, contrasting the use of facework in two types of service encounters: state-run vs. privately-owned stores. I argue that politeness is a dynamic process, which involves participants’ perception of a social setting and the… read more