Satoshi Uehara

List of John Benjamins publications for which Satoshi Uehara plays a role.

The parts of speech system and lexical flexibility in Mandarin Chinese (henceforth Chinese) has long been subjects of debate due to the pervasive zero coding of action reference constructions. In this article, we analyze properties of the Chinese Action Reference Construction from the… read more
This study fills a gap in the literature on the polyfunctional nature of the Chinese ditransitive verb gěi ‘to give’, which has undergone semantic and functional extensions. Our approach differs from previous studies by focusing on a narrowly defined location in time and space, i.e. contemporary… read more
Uehara, Satoshi 2011 The socio-cultural motivation of referent honorifics in Korean and JapaneseMotivation in Grammar and the Lexicon, Panther, Klaus-Uwe and Günter Radden (eds.), pp. 191–212 | Article
The highly developed honorific systems in Korean and Japanese are functionally similar but differ with respect to non-subject referent honorifics, which indicate the speaker’s deference toward a non-subject referent participant in the event described. Korean expresses non-subject referent… read more
Uehara, Satoshi and Etsuko Fukushima 2008 Masen or nai desu – That is the question: A case study into Japanese conversational discourseStyle Shifting in Japanese, Jones, Kimberly and Tsuyoshi Ono (eds.), pp. 161–184 | Chapter
Barke, Andrew and Satoshi Uehara 2005 Japanese pronouns of address: Their behavior and maintenance over timeBroadening the Horizon of Linguistic Politeness, Lakoff, Robin T. and Sachiko Ide (eds.), pp. 301–313 | Article