Philip Shaw

List of John Benjamins publications for which Philip Shaw plays a role.

Shaw, Philip 2014 Conclusion: Stockholm UniversityDialogicity in Written Specialised Genres, Gil-Salom, Luz and Carmen Soler-Monreal (eds.), pp. 209–220 | Article
Shaw, Philip, Carol Benson, Sandra Brunsberg, Rosalind Duhs and David Minugh 2008 13. Preparing for international masters degrees at Stockholm University and the Royal Institute of Technology in StockholmESP in European Higher Education: Integrating language and content, Fortanet-Gómez, Inmaculada and Christine A. Räisänen (eds.), pp. 267–282 | Article
In Stockholm the Bologna process has led to courses for administrators and teachers who will have to work in English. Courses oriented to well-defined communicative situations and to developing skills at seeking and recognising appropriate language have been effective for administrators. Teaching… read more
Ersson, Eugenia Olavarría de and Philip Shaw 2003 Verb complementation patterns in Indian Standard EnglishEnglish World-Wide 24:2, pp. 137–161 | Article
Where English has two or more alternative complementation patterns for the same verb, their relative frequencies might vary among national varieties. This article investigates the relative frequencies of various complementation patterns among nine verbs whose complementation may differ between… read more
Handbooks and consultants offer guidelines for customer-complaint reception which seem quite uniform across cultures. But one would expect different behavior patterns in different cultures. This paper describes a pilot investigation of this paradox. Four complaint-handling dialogues exhibiting… read more
Shaw, Philip 2000 Towards Classifying the Arguments in Research GenresAnalysing Professional Genres, Trosborg, Anna (ed.), pp. 41–56 | Article