Amy Kyratzis

List of John Benjamins publications for which Amy Kyratzis plays a role.


Heteroglossia and language ideologies in children’s peer play interactions

Edited by Amy Kyratzis, Ann-Carita Evaldsson and Jennifer Reynolds

Special issue of Pragmatics 20:4 (2010) ca. 125 pp.
Subjects Discourse studies | Pragmatics
Kyratzis, Amy 2022 Susan Ervin-Tripp: Context, social interaction and pragmaticsHandbook of Pragmatics: 24th Annual Installment, Östman, Jan-Ola and Jef Verschueren (eds.), pp. 234–252 | Chapter
The current English-only educational climate in California presents children with polarizing discourses about national belonging (Bailey 2007). This study uses language socialization theory (e.g., Garret and Baquedano-López 2002) and Bakhtin’s (1981) concept of “heteroglossia” to examine how… read more
Kyratzis, Amy, Jennifer Reynolds and Ann-Carita Evaldsson 2010 Introduction: Heteroglossia and language ideologies in children’s peer play interactionsHeteroglossia and language ideologies in children’s peer play interactions, Kyratzis, Amy, Ann-Carita Evaldsson and Jennifer Reynolds (eds.), pp. 457–466 | Article
The five articles in this issue examine how children, in naturally occurring school and neighborhood peer and sibling-kin groups across a variety of cultures and societies, socialize one another to do heteroglossia, drawing upon a diverse repertoire of linguistic and discursive forms in their… read more
Recently, researchers have been interested in narrative as a conversational point-making activity. Some of the features of narrative (e.g., its "objectivity", Benveniste, 1971) render it ideally suited for self-exploration and positioning of the self with respect to societal institutions (Polanyi,… read more