Jenny Cheshire

List of John Benjamins publications for which Jenny Cheshire plays a role.

Book series


Social Dialectology: In honour of Peter Trudgill

Edited by David Britain and Jenny Cheshire

Subjects Sociolinguistics and Dialectology
Cheshire, Jenny 2005 Syntactic variation and spoken languageSyntax and Variation: Reconciling the Biological and the Social, Cornips, Leonie and Karen P. Corrigan (eds.), pp. 81–106 | Article
Cheshire, Jenny and Sue Ziebland 2005 Narrative as a resource in accounts of the experience of illnessThe Sociolinguistics of Narrative, Thornborrow, Joanna and Jennifer Coates (eds.), pp. 17–40 | Article
Britain, David and Jenny Cheshire 2003 IntroductionSocial Dialectology: In honour of Peter Trudgill, Britain, David and Jenny Cheshire (eds.), pp. 1–8 | Article
Cheshire, Jenny 2003 Social dimensions of syntactic variation: The case of when clausesSocial Dialectology: In honour of Peter Trudgill, Britain, David and Jenny Cheshire (eds.), pp. 245–261 | Article
Cheshire, Jenny and Penelope Gardner-Chloros 1997 Communicating gender in two languagesCommunicating Gender in Context, Kotthoff, Helga and Ruth Wodak (eds.), pp. 249–282 | Article
Cheshire, Jenny, Viv K. Edwards and Pamela Whittle 1989 Urban British Dialect Grammar: The Question of Dialect LevellingEnglish World-Wide 10:2, pp. 185–225 | Article