Berthold Crysmann

List of John Benjamins publications for which Berthold Crysmann plays a role.

Aguila-Multner, Gabrielle and Berthold Crysmann 2020 French clitic climbing as periphrasisInterfaces in Romance: A constraint-based approach, Bîlbîie, Gabriela (ed.), pp. 23–61 | Article
In this article, we propose a treatment of French clitic climbing as an instance of morphological periphrasis. In particular we reexamine the evidence in favour of argument composition and a flat VP structure with tense auxiliaries (Abeillé & Godard, 2002) and show (i) that the V (vs. VP) status… read more
Crysmann, Berthold 2013 On the locality of complement clause and relative clause extrapositionRightward Movement in a Comparative Perspective, Webelhuth, Gert, Manfred Sailer and Heike Walker (eds.), pp. 369–396 | Article
In this paper, I shall discuss the locality restrictions of complement clause versus relative clause extraposition, contributing to a recent debate on the (non)locality of complement extraposition in German (Kiss 2005; Müller 2004). Based on an in-depth reexamination of the main evidence, I shall… read more
Branco, António and Berthold Crysmann 2001 Negative concord and the distribution of quantifiersRomance Languages and Linguistic Theory 1999: Selected papers from ‘Going Romance’ 1999, Leiden, 9–11 December 1999, D’hulst, Yves, Johan Rooryck and Jan Schroten (eds.), pp. 39–62 | Article
Crysmann, Berthold 2000 Clitics and coordination in linear structureClitics in Phonology, Morphology and Syntax, Gerlach, Birgit and Janet Grijzenhout (eds.), pp. 121–159 | Article
In the context of lexicalist studies of Romance cliticisation, the development and rigorous application of diagnostic criteria (Zwicky and Pullum 1983; Miller 1992) for determining the lexical or syntactic status of linguistic items has always enjoyed a central role. As a result, there is a vast… read more