Sándor Szeverényi

List of John Benjamins publications for which Sándor Szeverényi plays a role.


Németh, Endre and Sándor Szeverényi 2024 The origin of Uralic-speaking groups from a historical genetic point of viewJournal of Uralic Linguistics 3:1, pp. 30–54 | Article
In recent years, a number of primarily linguistic studies have dealt with the origin of the Uralic language family. These studies formulated important and, in some cases, novel results regarding the location of the Proto-Uralic homeland, the classification of linguistic branches, the chronology… read more
Szeverényi, Sándor and Beáta Wagner-Nagy 2017 Chapter 19. The essive-translative in NganasanUralic Essive and the Expression of Impermanent State, Groot, Casper de (ed.), pp. 461–477 | Chapter
This chapter presents an empirical study of the distribution of a marker referred to as the ‘essive-translative’ in Nganasan. The description of the properties of this marker follows the linguistic questionnaire that captures the contexts in which essive and/or translative markers may occur in the… read more