Mahamane Laoualy Abdoulaye

List of John Benjamins publications for which Mahamane Laoualy Abdoulaye plays a role.


Abdoulaye, Mahamane Laoualy 2004 7. Comitative, coordinating, and inclusory constructions in HausaCoordinating Constructions, Haspelmath, Martin (ed.), pp. 165–193 | Chapter
1.Introduction 2. The comitative preposition dà ‘with’ 2.1 The development of the comitative dà from the existential dà 2.2 General features of the comitative construction 3. The NP coordinator dà ‘and’ 3.1 General features of NP coordination 3.2 Possibilities of ellipsis in… read more
Abdoulaye, Mahamane Laoualy 2000 Passive and grammaticalization in HausaStudies in Language 24:2, pp. 235–275 | Article
Hausa uses a (...)LH-u verbal morphology to derive (i) typical passive forms with an optional intensive/completive meaning, and (ii) some non-passive verbs with an obligatory intensive meaning and which are based on intransitive verbs. After a detailed description of the two forms, I propose that… read more