Anne Christophe

List of John Benjamins publications for which Anne Christophe plays a role.

Brusini, Perrine, Alex de Carvalho, Isabelle Dautriche, Ariel Gutman, Elodie Cauvet, Séverine Millotte, Pascal Amsili and Anne Christophe 2018 Chapter 3. Bootstrapping lexical and syntactic acquisitionSources of Variation in First Language Acquisition: Languages, contexts, and learners, Hickmann, Maya †, Edy Veneziano and Harriet Jisa (eds.), pp. 63–80 | Chapter
How does language acquisition start? Having access to words and their meaning should help infants to learn about syntax, but learning about word meaning would be facilitated if infants had access to syntactic structure (Gleitman 1990). Phrasal prosody and function words may bootstrap lexical and… read more
Carvalho, Alex de, Isabelle Dautriche, Séverine Millotte and Anne Christophe 2018 Chapter 2. Early perception of phrasal prosody and its role in syntactic and lexical acquisitionThe Development of Prosody in First Language Acquisition, Prieto, Pilar and Núria Esteve-Gibert (eds.), pp. 17–35 | Chapter
This chapter will review empirical findings on the perception of phrasal prosody in very young infants, and how it develops in first language acquisition. The ability to process phrasal prosody impacts learning of important aspects of language, specifically word segmentation and syntactic parsing.… read more
Christophe, Anne, Séverine Millotte, Perrine Brusini and Elodie Cauvet 2010 Chapter 3. Early bootstrapping of syntactic acquisitionLanguage Acquisition across Linguistic and Cognitive Systems, Kail, Michèle and Maya Hickmann † (eds.), pp. 53–66 | Article
Infants acquiring language have to learn about the lexicon, the phonology, and the syntax of their native language, among others. For each of these domains, being able to rely on knowledge from the other domains would simplify the learner’s task. For instance, having access to words and their… read more
Guasti, Maria Teresa, Marina Nespor, Anne Christophe and Brit van Ooyen 2001 Pre-lexical Setting of the Head: Complement Parameter through ProsodyApproaches to Bootstrapping: Phonological, lexical, syntactic and neurophysiological aspects of early language acquisition, Weissenborn, Jürgen and Barbara Höhle (eds.), pp. 231–248 | Article