Jane Simpson

List of John Benjamins publications for which Jane Simpson plays a role.


Australian Contact Languages

Edited by Carmel O'Shannessy, Denise Angelo and Jane Simpson

Special issue of Journal of Pidgin and Creole Languages 39:1 (2024) vi, 311 pp.
O'Shannessy, Carmel, Denise Angelo and Jane Simpson 2024 Toward a typology of Australian contact languages: Towards a typology of Australian contact languagesAustralian Contact Languages, O'Shannessy, Carmel, Denise Angelo and Jane Simpson (eds.), pp. 1–33 | Introduction
Simpson, Jane 2024 After 1788: Contact varieties in the first sixty years of Australia’s colonisationAustralian Contact Languages, O'Shannessy, Carmel, Denise Angelo and Jane Simpson (eds.), pp. 71–124 | Article
Contemporary contact languages used by Indigenous people in Australia share many words and grammatical features and structures. I trace the development of contact varieties in Australia between 1788 to 1848, arguing that their similarities arise from the dominance of English-speakers among the… read more
Wigglesworth, Gillian, Jane Simpson and Debbie Loakes 2011 Naplan language assessments for Indigenous children in remote communities: Issues and problemsAustralian Languages: A challenge for applied linguistics, Walsh, Michael (ed.), pp. 320–343 | Article
The National Assessment Program - Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) assessments are designed to assess literacy and numeracy of all Australian school children in years 3, 5, 7 and 9, and to act as diagnostics as to whether children are meeting intended educational outcomes. Tests began in May 2008,… read more
Bardsley, Dianne and Jane Simpson 2009 Hypocoristics in New Zealand and Australian EnglishComparative Studies in Australian and New Zealand English: Grammar and beyond, Peters, Pam, Peter Collins and Adam Smith (eds.), pp. 49–70 | Article
New Zealand and Australia share a propensity to create new words and hypocoristic forms of existing words by adding -ie and -o suffixes (among others) to a base which is usually monosyllabic. While the creation of new words is driven by the need to refer quickly to new things, the creation of… read more
Simpson, Jane 2008 5. Reconstructing pre-Warumungu pronominalsMorphology and Language History: In honour of Harold Koch, Bowern, Claire, Bethwyn Evans and Luisa Miceli (eds.), pp. 71–87 | Article
Simpson, Jane and Ilana Mushin 2008 Clause-initial position in four Australian languagesDiscourse and Grammar in Australian Languages, Mushin, Ilana and Brett Baker (eds.), pp. 25–57 | Article
Word order in Australian languages has frequently been described as “free” or subject to pragmatic or discourse constraints rather than governed by syntactic rules. This paper examines both the pragmatic and syntactic factors which motivate the placement of constituents in clause initial position.… read more
Simpson, Jane and Luise Hercus 2004 Thura-Yura as a subgroupAustralian Languages: Classification and the comparative method, Bowern, Claire and Harold Koch (eds.), pp. 179–206 | Article
Simpson, Jane 2001 Hypocoristics of place-names in Australian EnglishEnglish in Australia, Blair, David and Peter Collins (eds.), pp. 89–112 | Article
Simpson, Jane 1988 Case and Complementiser Suffixes in WarlpiriComplex Sentence Constructions in Australian Languages, Austin, Peter (ed.), pp. 205–218 | Article