Robert M. Harnish

List of John Benjamins publications for which Robert M. Harnish plays a role.


Perspectives on Semantics, Pragmatics, and Discourse: A Festschrift for Ferenc Kiefer

Edited by István Kenesei and Robert M. Harnish

[Pragmatics & Beyond New Series, 90] 2001. xxii, 348 pp.
Subjects Discourse studies | Pragmatics | Semantics
Garrett, Merrill and Robert M. Harnish 2009 3. Skating along the syntactic verge: Experimental pragmatics and understood elements of contentTime and Again: Theoretical perspectives on formal linguistics, Lewis, William D., Simin Karimi, Heidi Harley and Scott O. Farrar (eds.), pp. 55–89 | Article
This chapter discusses elements of communicative content that are not expressed by overt elements of a sentence. In the 1970s and 1980s, mostly inspired by the work of Grice, forms of ‘unexpressed elements of content’ not contemplated by linguistic theory of the time began to surface under a… read more
Harnish, Robert M. 2009 The problem of fragments: Two interpretative strategiesPragmatics & Cognition 17:2, pp. 251–282 | Article
We do not always talk in complete sentences; we sometimes speak in “fragments”, such as ‘Fire!’, ‘Off with his head’, ‘From Cuba’, ‘Next!’, and ‘Shall we?’. Research has tended to focus on the ellipsis wars — the issue of whether all or most fragments are really sentential or not. Less effort has… read more
Garrett, Merrill and Robert M. Harnish 2007 Experimental pragmatics: Testing for implicituresPragmatic Interfaces, Saussure, Louis de and Peter J. Schulz (eds.), pp. 65–90 | Article
Grice proposed to investigate ‘the total signification of the utterance’. One persistent criticism of Grice’s taxonomy of signification is that he missed an important category of information. This content, and/or the process of providing it, goes by a variety of labels: ‘generalized implicature’,… read more
Harnish, Robert M. and Christian Plunze 2006 Illocutionary rulesPragmatics & Cognition 14:1, pp. 37–52 | Article
The idea that speaking a language is a rule‑ (or convention‑)governed form of behavior goes back at least to Wittgenstein’s language-game analogy, and can be found most prominently in the work of Searle and Alston. Both theorists have a conception of illocutionary rules as putting illocutionary… read more
Harnish, Robert M. 2005 Folk psychology and literal meaningPragmatics & Cognition 13:2, pp. 383–399 | Article
Recanati (2004), Literal Meaning argues against what he calls “literalism” and for what he calls “contextualism”. He considers a wide spectrum of positions and arguments from relevance theory to hidden variables theory. In the end, however, he seems to hold that semantic and pragmatic theorizing… read more
Harnish, Robert M. 2004 Performatives as constatives vs. declarations: Some recent issuesSeduction, Community, Speech: A Festschrift for Herman Parret, Brisard, Frank, Michael Meeuwis and Bart Vandenabeele (eds.), pp. 43–59 | Chapter
Harnish, Robert M. 2004 Pragmatics: State of the artLinguistics Today – Facing a Greater Challenge, Sterkenburg, Piet van (ed.), pp. 207–216 | Article
Harnish, Robert M. 2001 Frege on mood and forcePerspectives on Semantics, Pragmatics, and Discourse: A Festschrift for Ferenc Kiefer, Kenesei, István and Robert M. Harnish (eds.), pp. 203–228 | Article
Harnish, Robert M. 1995 Modularity and Speech ActsPragmatics & Cognition 3:1, pp. 1–29 | Article
Modules, as Marr (1982) and Fodor (1983) conceive of them, lie between sensory and central processes. Modules have the functional property of representing that portion of the world which turns them on, and nine non-functional or structural properties that facilitate carrying out that function.… read more
Farmer, Ann K. and Robert M. Harnish 1987 29. Communicative reference with pronounsThe Pragmatic Perspective: Selected papers from the 1985 International Pragmatics Conference, Verschueren, Jef and Marcella Bertuccelli Papi (eds.), pp. 547–566 | Chapter