The conclusion reflects very briefly on some of the main elements that emerge from the book, which is, ultimately, a crossroads of disciplines, where the importance of historical change is highlighted. Some of the main traits are the variety of geographical areas and historical periods covered… read more
In this chapter we provide an introduction to the volume. We will explain how multidisciplinary approaches, and thus multidisciplinary methodological tools, constitute the ideal way to fill gaps in the map and timeline of the history of interpreting. We highlight the cooperation between… read more
This chapter presents a case study of how photographs can offer different angles
of the dynamics involved in a complex observable event or series of events. As
shown in previous research, photographs can only be valid historical sources if
we are able to interpret them, and that requires the… read more
Ce travail sur les interprètes et l’interprétation de “haut-niveau” à l’époque de la Guerre Froide (1946-1991) est placé sous le signe de l’idéologie et des relations internationales. En effet, s’il y a une particularité qui distingue cette époque c’est bien son caractère de lutte… read more
Based on original sources, both written and oral, the paper offers an overview of the path followed by the profession of conference interpreting since its birth at the 1919 Paris Peace Conference until now, with a diachronic perspective that may serve as a useful compass to forecast its future… read more