Bożena Rozwadowska

List of John Benjamins publications for which Bożena Rozwadowska plays a role.


Beyond Emotions in Language: Psychological verbs at the interfaces

Edited by Bożena Rozwadowska and Anna Bondaruk

[Linguistik Aktuell/Linguistics Today, 263] 2020. xiii, 325 pp.
Subjects Generative linguistics | Semantics | Syntax | Theoretical linguistics
Rozwadowska, Bożena 2020 Chapter 2. Polish psych verbs as non-achievementsBeyond Emotions in Language: Psychological verbs at the interfaces, Rozwadowska, Bożena and Anna Bondaruk (eds.), pp. 23–74 | Chapter
In this chapter it is argued, on the basis of the evidence from Polish, that the traditional Vendlerian classification of verbs is insufficient to accommodate Polish psych verbs. It is demonstrated that Polish perfective psych verbs are initial boundary events, different from final boundary… read more
Rozwadowska, Bożena, Arkadiusz Nowak and Anna Bondaruk 2020 Chapter 1. Psych verbs: Setting the sceneBeyond Emotions in Language: Psychological verbs at the interfaces, Rozwadowska, Bożena and Anna Bondaruk (eds.), pp. 1–22 | Chapter
The main reason why this book is important for current linguistic debates is the fact that the puzzle of psychological verbs, dating back to the seminal paper by Belletti and Rizzi (1988) (henceforth B&R) is far from being settled. Recently it has been gaining even more attention, with research on… read more
Rozwadowska, Bożena 2000 Event Structure, Argument Structure and the by-phrase in Polish NominalizationsLexical Specification and Insertion, Coopmans, Peter, Martin B.H. Everaert and Jane Grimshaw (eds.), pp. 329–348 | Article
Rozwadowska, Bożena 1989 Are thematic relations discrete?Linguistic Categorization: Proceedings of an International Symposium in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, April 10–11, 1987, Corrigan, Roberta, Fred Eckman and Michael Noonan (eds.), pp. 115–130 | Article