Unlike its English counterpart between, the Biblical Hebrew (BH) preposition bên does not allow a conjoined object (between A and B), but it uses additional prepositions in two typologically unusual patterns: bên A wə-bên B ‘between A and-between B’ and bên A lə-B ‘between A to-B’. This article… read more
This paper argues that so-called
weak nominals
, like the definite object in
listen to the radio
and the bare nominal in
watch television
, should be analyzed against the background of
functional frames
, representations of stereotypical use of certain common objects. In… read more
This paper takes a closer look at the ‘geometric’ structure of the semantic map of modality (Van der Auwera & Plungian 1998). By analyzing the different modalities into more basic modal features, we can get a better view on how the map is organized along different dimensions around a neutral middle… read more