Laurenz Kornfeld

List of John Benjamins publications for which Laurenz Kornfeld plays a role.


This article examines the sanctioning of problem behavior during family breakfasts. Such sanctionings are commonly initiated with declarative TCUs. These declarative TCUs work as a vehicle for flagging the problem, and thereby occasion behavior modification ‘indirectly’. While declaratives… read more
Küttner, Uwe-A., Laurenz Kornfeld, Christina Mack, Lorenza Mondada, Jowita Rogowska, Giovanni Rossi, Marja-Leena Sorjonen, Matylda Weidner and Jörg Zinken 2024 Introducing the “Parallel European Corpus of Informal Interaction” (PECII): A novel resource for exploring cross-situational and cross-linguistic variability in social interactionNew Perspectives in Interactional Linguistic Research, Selting, Margret and Dagmar Barth-Weingarten (eds.), pp. 132–160 | Chapter
This article introduces the Parallel European Corpus of Informal Interaction (PECII), a multi-language video-corpus of social interactions in a range of informal settings and activity-contexts. After describing the basic motivation for its compilation, the design principles that underlie its… read more