Arianne Reimerink

List of John Benjamins publications for which Arianne Reimerink plays a role.

León-Araúz, Pilar, Arianne Reimerink and Pamela Faber 2019 EcoLexicon and by-products: Integrating and reusing terminological resourcesTerminology and e-dictionaries, Alcina, Amparo, Rute Costa and Christophe Roche (eds.), pp. 222–258 | Article
Reutilization and interoperability are major issues in the fields of knowledge representation and extraction, as reflected in initiatives such as the Semantic Web and the Linked Open Data Cloud. This paper shows how terminological resources can be integrated and reused within different types of… read more
León-Araúz, Pilar, Arianne Reimerink and Alejandro García Aragón 2013 Dynamism and context in specialized knowledgeTerminology 19:1, pp. 31–61 | Article
EcoLexicon is a terminological knowledge base (TKB) on the environment which seeks to enhance both cognitive and communicative needs of different users. In order to achieve this, TKBs should reflect conceptual structures in a similar way to how concepts relate in the human mind (Meyer et al. 1992).… read more
Garcia de Quesada, Mercedes and Arianne Reimerink 2010 Frames, contextual information and images in terminology: A proposalTerminology in Everyday Life, Thelen, Marcel and Frieda Steurs (eds.), pp. 97–122 | Article
In this paper, it is our aim to analyse and evaluate possible applications of the Berkeley FrameNet project (Fillmore et al., 2003) and its Spanish counterpart (Subirats, 2004, 2007; Subirats and Petruck, 2003) to recent advances in terminographic definitions, context and visual representations… read more
Reimerink, Arianne 2007 The use of verbs in research articles: A corpus analysisTerminology 13:2, pp. 177–200 | Article
The aim of the study described in this article is to examine the lexical characteristics of medical research articles in English. The article describes the results obtained from the analysis of a corpus of medical texts in which the use of verbs is studied in the different sections of the medical… read more